How to Play the Battle Shots Drinking Game and Where to Buy One
You don’t have to feel ashamed for wanting to go back in time and play your favorite childhood games. We all long for the good old days once in a while. Get nostalgic in an adult way by mixing booze with old school board games with the Battle Shots Drinking Game, based on the classic Battleship game.
Where to Buy the Battle Shots Drinking Game
How to Play the Battle Shots Drinking Game
“You sunk my liver!”
The official Battle Shots drinking game (or similar) comes with everything needed to play. However, one thing to note is that this exact version is not always available, and you may need to settle for a similar version.
Pretty straight forward. The Battle Shots Drinking game is kinda like the game Battleship, but with bad breath. Here’s how you play:
1. While sitting opposite your opponent, set up your official Battle Shots dry erase privacy shields and Battle shots mats on a flat surface.
2. Each opponent will place their shot glasses on the circles on the dry erase mat in a pattern that is hidden from their opponent. The shot glasses can be placed anywhere, but they must be laid out like battleships in the following way: 3 shot glasses = Battleship 2 shot glasses = Destroyers 1 shot glass = Submarines
3. The Battle shots Drinking Game mat has coordinates labeled A to F along the left side for the horizontal columns, and numbers 1 through 7 along the top for the vertical columns. The Battleshots privacy shield is also your Battle shots coordinator map.
4. Time to play the Battle Shots Drinking Game! Flip a coin to see who goes first. Let’s assume you in the coin toss. You will call your shot by guessing a coordinate represented by one letter and one number. If it is a “hit”, your opponent must drink from that glass, and you can then mark the associated circle with an “X” on your Battle shots coordinator map, and you get to take another turn. If it is a miss, then you would draw an “O”, and your turn is now over.
5. The loser is the one who has had all of their “Battle Shots” sunk, and is now required to drink all remaining Battle Shots on their mat.
Battle Shots Pros:
The Battle shots Drinking Game winner avoids liver damage.
Battle Shots Cons:
The Battle shots Drinking Game loser gets liver damage! On a serious note however, this exact game is not always available for purchase online, but other versions are usually available. You can make your own if you are into drunken arts and crafts, but it is much cooler and easier to get the official Battleshots board game already built for you.
Battle Shots Drinking Game FAQs:
Do you have to use alcohol to play the Battle Shots Drinking Game?
Yes! It must be alcohol! Anything other than alcohol will cause the game board to mutate into a giant jellybean that spits fireballs and hand grenades.
What is Battleship?
It is a game from a long time ago before the internet that was totally awesome to play with your friends for about a day until you slowly lost all the pieces over the years.
More Drinking Game Options

Shown here is a drinking game called Drunken Ship, which is kind of similar to the Battleshots game. Exact same gaming premise, but a bit of a different look and feel to it. You might have no other option but to buy a version like this when the official version is unavailable for online purchase.